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2025 Graduate Student Workshop

June 16 All day

Georgetown Law

600 New Jersey Avenue, N.W.
Washington, District of Columbia 20001 United States

Interested in attending the workshop?

The application deadline is February 5, 2025.

Please use the subject line: LCH Grad Workshop Application.

Please name your file(s) using your lastname first, e.g. “Miller_application” or “Miller_cv”. Please remind us if you applied for or participated in a previous workshop and, if so, which one(s).

The annual Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities Graduate Student Workshop will be held on Monday, June 16, 2025 (the day before the annual meeting begins).

The workshop is designed for graduate students who are undertaking research that cuts across law, cultural studies, literature, philosophy, legal studies, anthropology, political science, and history, among others. The workshop is designed to afford graduate students the opportunity to experience the LCH community in a smaller venue with more sustained contact with one another and some faculty. The workshop also provides graduate students with an opportunity to discuss their research projects in a small group setting in anticipation of such things as job talks and publication.

Applications to the workshop should consist of a current curriculum vitae (2-3 page maximum), an abstract of a current project not exceeding 700 words that explicitly addresses how it relates to law, culture and the humanities, as well as a short (5 page maximum) text relating to that project. This “text” could be a case, literary work, a time-line, a photo, a sound or video file, or some other relevant text. The text you choose should be something that helps you reflect on the subject of your work and your methods of analysis. Please use your judgment and best guess in deciding how audio, visual, or audio-visual materials “translate” into pages of text.

While it is possible to participate in both the workshop and the LCH annual conference, the two events are separate and require separate applications. Should workshop participants wish to present at the conference as well, they will need to submit a proposal here (in addition to their workshop application). Should workshop participants wish to attend the conference but not present a paper, they will need to register (once registration for the conference becomes available).

Applicants whose workshop proposals are accepted will receive some support towards an extra night’s accommodation from LCH as well as some support (varying, depending on distance traveled) towards the cost of transportation to the conference site. While those who participated in a previous workshop may re-apply and participate again, should space and/or funds be limited, we will prioritize new participants. Please email your applications to lch@lawculturehumanities.com by February 5, 2025.