Conference Program Archive

On this page, you can find archived copies of programs from our past conferences.

2024 – Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference

“Senses of Law”, Peter A. Allard School of Law, University of British Columbia

2023 – Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference

“Absence, Presence, and the Past”, University of Toronto School of Law

2022 – Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference

“Unsettling Law”, Emory University School of Law

2020 – Twenty-Third Annual Conference

“Projections: Imagining Legal Futurity”, Quinnipiac University School of Law

2019 – Twenty-Second Annual Conference

Carleton University, Department of Law and Legal Studies & Carleton University and University of Ottawa Joint Chair in Women’s Studies

2018 – Twenty-First Annual Conference

Georgetown Law

2017 – Twentieth Annual Conference

Stanford Law School

2016 – Nineteenth Annual Conference

“Reading Race, Writing Race and Living Race”, University of Connecticut School of Law

2015 – Eighteenth Annual Conference

Georgetown Law

2014 – Seventeenth Annual Conference

“The Politics of Law and the Humanities: Crisis, Austerity,
Instrumentalism”, University of Virginia Law School

2013 – Sixteenth Annual Conference

“Sculpting the Human”, Birkbeck, University of London

2012 – Fifteenth Annual Conference

“Representing Justice”, Texas Wesleyan University

2011 – Fourteenth Annual Conference

“Boundaries and Enemies”, William S. Boyd School of Law, University of Nevada

2010 – Thirteenth Annual Conference

Brown University

2009 – Twelfth Annual Conference

Suffolk University Law School

2008 – Eleventh Annual Conference

“Imagining Justice and Injustice”, University of California at Berkley & San Francisco State University

2007 – Tenth Annual Conference

Georgetown Law

2006 – Ninth Annual Conference

Syracuse University School of Law

2005 – Eighth Annual Conference

College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin

2004 – Seventh Annual Conference

University of Connecticut School of Law

2003 – Sixth Annual Conference

Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, New York University

2002 – Fifth Annual Conference

University of Pennsylvania

2000 – Third Annual Conference

Georgetown Law

1999 – Second Annual Conference

Wake Forest University School of Law

1998 – First Annual Conference

Georgetown Law